Friday, December 7, 2007


When kids were suppose to wake up late on a Saturday, kids like me were up at 8AM to watch SATURDAY FUN MACHINE on RPN 9 (a local Philippine TV station). Though you couldn't really make me wake up that early on a school day, I was up early for my weekly dose of cartoons. Sometimes, I'm even up at 7:30AM because I didn't want to miss out on the good stuff.

I'd sit in front of the tv from 8AM to 12PM and be entertained with a parade of cartoons that made up the best of the best. Here's some of them.
  • Space Ghost
  • Speed Buggy
  • Robotic Stooges (Three stooges that were robots)
  • Super Six (6)
  • Casper and the Space Angels
  • Yogi Bear
  • Hannah Barberra Races (when HB characters were part of a race)
  • Superfriends (now known as Justice League)
  • Go Bots
I'm sure there were more and I can't just remember them now. But I'm sure you remember some of them too.

After a while, they canceled SATURDAY FUN MACHINE. I don't know why because we kids loved it. But even though its gone now, we will still remember our Saturday Mornings when we were glued to the TV set and shouting "SPACE GHOOOOOSTTT!!!!"